
Telehealth consults: Click the book online button below :) and choose the telehealth option location doesn’t matter!

For any questions please email

Our phone number for all locations is: (02) 9712 1242

Location 1: The Facial Physio & Physio Science

Open for face-to-face consults and telehealth
Online bookings available or call (02) 9712 1242

2/569 Great North Rd, Abbotsford NSW 2046
Ph: (02) 9712 1242
Our Abbotsford location is a 50m walk to the Abbotsford Ferry wharf and 5 m from the closest bus stop. Easy street parking.

Location 2: The Facial Physio Lindfield
Open for Face to face consults and telehealth
Online bookings available or call (02) 9712 1242

* Please note that this is the least mobility friendly location. If you use a wheelchair or have mobility concerns that could not do 4 steps down and 4 steps up pls pick Frenchs forest.

18 Howard St Lindfield, NSW 2070
Lindfield location is a 10min walk from the Lindfield train station.
Street parking available

Location 3: The Facial Physio @ SCENT Frenches Forest
Open for face-to-face consults and telehealth
Online bookings available or call (02) 9712 1242

Located at SCENT (Sydney Centre for Ear, Nose and Throat) Level 1, Building 2/49 Frenches Forest Rd E, Frenches Forest NSW 2086
Parking on site or street parking available
Please let the lovely SCENT reception team know when you arrive.

Online bookings for all locations and telehealth

 Mail to: 2/569 Great North Rd Abbotsford NSW 2046 FOR ALL LOCATIONS PLEASE

T: (02) 9712 1242

F: (02) 9166 7911


Cancellation Policy

We kindly ask for 24hrs notice for cancellations and reschedules. This is to allow us to fill the appointment time with people who may be on a waiting list. We understand life can be crazy and unexpected things can happen.

Cancellations within 24hrs will incur a cancellation/pre-booking fee of $70. This will be credited to the next consult you attend. Thank you for your understanding.

For general physiotherapy needs please visit our sister site