How are we managing the ever evolving COVID-19 pandemic?

We are infection control nerds and we take it really seriously.

As physios we already wash hands between patients and use hand sanitiser before and after patient contact. We already change linen and paper bed and head covers between each patient. We have private rooms and only ever see one person at a time. Additionally we don’t stack out patients - we already have a sneaky 15min buffer between all our consults so there are never many people in the practice.

Now we are also:

  • Disinfecting everything that patients have been in contact with between each consult.

  • Sending out COVID pre-screening questions for every new or follow up face-to-face consult

  • Taking temperatures on entry to the practice

  • Kindly asking people to reschedule if they are sick at all or have a random temperature that does not settle.

  • We use masks when we are unable to socially distance and gloves for all patient contact.

As health care workers if we have any symptoms at all of any kind we need to be COVID swabbed and cleared before return to work. This is why we are asking anyone who is sick not to present - it doesn’t matter if its not COVID if we pick it up we can’t see patients. We treat a lot of immunocompromised patients, older patients and very young patients. We are doing our best to allow for people to access safe health care through this mental time!

If you have any concerns, please let us know :)