Help I'm Dizzy!

I am dizzy… What to do?

We have all Dr Googled in our lives, but I would stress the importance of avoiding this when you are dizzy. 

As we are all aware google can diagnosis us with a whole lot of weird and wonderful (scary) conditions.

We are experts in assessing dizziness. A Vestibular Physiotherapist will thoroughly assess your inner ear balance organ to identify if that could be the cause of your symptoms.

We treat vertigo, dizziness, light-headedness, imbalance, BPPV, Vestibular Dysfunctions, Meniere’s, Persistent Perceptual Postural Dizziness, Mal De Debarquement, Cervicogenic dizziness and Vestibular Migraines.

If we think you require further investigation in regards to your dizziness we will discuss with you and your physician the most appropriate plan for your health.